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The Battle of the River Plate

Movie stats
 119 minutes (1 hrs 59 mins)
Director and Primary Cast
Salty Popcorn Stats
First viewed:
13th Jun 2024
Last viewed:
5th Jul 2024
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Release Dates
UK release date
 UK release
29th October 1956
67 years 8 months 7 days ago
US release date
 US release
1st November 1957
66 years 8 months 4 days ago
Box Office Breakdown
UK Release
US Box Office
  • Release: No US cinema release.
Global Box Office
  • Release: No global cinema data.
Directed by
Captain Bell - H.M.S. Exeter
Commodore Harwood-H.M.S. Ajax
Captain Woodhouse - H.M.S. Ajax
Captain Parry - H.M.N.Z.S. Achilles
Captain Dove - M.S. Africa Shell
H. M. S. Ajax
H.M.N.Z.S. Achilles
H.M.S. Exeter
H.M.S. Cumberland
Mike Fowler
Mr. Millington Drake - British Minister, Montevideo
Dr. Guani - Foreign Minister, Uruguay
Captain McCall - R.N., British Naval Attache, Buenos Aires
Lieutenant Commander Medley R.N.
Dr. Langmann - German Minister, Montevideo
M. Desmoulins - French Minister, Montevideo
Ray Martin
Captain Varela - Uruguayan Navy
Captain Stubbs - 'Doric Star'
Captain Langsdorff - 'Admiral Graf Spee'
British Seaman (Prisoner on Graf Spee)
Sub. Lieutenant, HMS Ajax
Barnes - HMS Achilles
Marine Officer, HMS Ajax
Midshipman, HMS Ajax
Shirley - HMS Achilles
Stoker - HMS Achilles
Capt. Pttinger
Capt. Pottinger
Officer on Graf Spee
Marine Officer, HMS Ajax
Navigator, HMS Ajax
Lt. Cmdr. Smith - HMS Exeter
Madame Desmoulins, Montevideo
Navigator, HMS Exeter
Young Sailor, Aft-Conning, HMS Exeter
Pilot Officer Lewin - Pilot, Spotter Plane, HMS Ajax
Merchant Seaman (Prisoner on Graf Spee)
American reporter in Uruguay
Rating, Aft-Conning, HMS Exeter
Bridge Officer (HMS Ajax)
Prisoner on Graf Spee
Chief Yeoman, HMS Ajax
Chief Yeoman, HMS Achilles
Crewman (HMS Exeter)
Chief Engineer, Trevannionion, Prisoner on Graf Spee
Kearney - Spotter Plane, HMS Ajax
Petty Officer, HMS Achilles
Capt., Streonshalh, Prisoner on Graf Spee
Captain, Newton Beach, Prisoner on Graf Spee
Chief Engineer, Newton Beach,Pprisoner on Graf Spee
Man in News Office
Chief Officer, Ashlea, Prisoner on Graf Spee
Gunnery Officer, HMS Ajax
Lt. McBarnett - HMS Exeter
Petty Officer, Bridge, HMS Ajax
Bill Roper - Capt. Bell's Messenger, HMS Exeter
2nd Messenger, HMS Ajax
Tairoa Officer
Chief Officer, Trevannion, Prisoner on Graf Spee
Sick Bay P.O., HMS Achilles
Phone Girl, Montevideo
Crewman, Admiral Graf Spee
Guani's Secretary
Spotting Officer, Gunnery Control, HMS Exeter
Merchant Seaman [MS Tairoa]
Manolo's Patron
Signalman, HMS Achilles
Merchant Seaman [MS Tairoa]
Merchant Officer [MS Doric Star]
Ms. Shaw
O.S. Rogers - HMS Achilles
Signalman, Aft-Conning, HMS Exeter
Gunner, HMS Achilles
Guns - HMS Exeter
Rev. George Groves - Padre, HMS Exeter
Messenger, HMS Achilles
Lt. Jasper Abbot - HMS Achilles
Mess P.O., HMS Achilles
German Sailor with Luggage / Manolo's Patron
Guitarist Accompanying Dolores
Midshipman, HMS Exeter
Bridge Officer [HMS Ajax]
P.O. Stacey - HMS Achilles
Cowburn - HMS Achilles
Petty Officer, Gunnery Control, HMS Exeter
Swanston - Lookout, HMS Ajax
Merchant Officer (MS Huntsman) / Prisoner on Graf Spee
Chief Officer, Newton Beach
Radio Operator, Tairoa, Prisoner on Graf Spee
Chief Engineer, Doric Star, Prisoner on Graf Spee
Customs Officer
Lt. Washbourne - Gunnery Officer, HMS Achilles
British Embassy Official
Mrs. Millington-Drake, Montevideo
Lost Child in Crowd
Chief Officer, Huntsman, Prisoner on Graf Spree
Lookout, HMS Exeter
Duty Officer Pennefeather - HMS Ajax
Petty Officer, HMS Exeter
Boy Dorset - HMNZS Achilles
Prisoner on Graf Spee
1st Messenger, HMS Ajax
Crewman, HMS Achilles
Spotting Officer, HMS Ajax
Manolo's Patron
Dolores, Montevideo
Quartermaster, Graf Spee
Midshipman, HMS Ajax
Signalman, HMS Exeter
Chief Officer, Tairoa, Prisoner on Graf Spee
Duty Officer, HMS Ajax
Man in New's Office
Captain Landorff's servant
Cmdr. Graham - HMS Exeter
Lookout, HMS Ajax
Boy Bugler, HMS Exeter
Woman in News Office
Chief Yeoman Signals, HMS Exeter
Archer, HMS Ajax
Chief Engineer, Aft-Conning, HMS Exeter
Boiler Room Messenger, HMS Achilles
Lookout, HMS Exeter
Mess P.O., HMS Achilles
Radio Operator, Doric Star, Prisoner on Graf Spee
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